Home Services
Helping start the conversation between the person at the end of life and their loved ones.
Listening and holistic support
Building a life review and creating legacy work
Facilitating the caregiver's role by optimizing schedule and local resources
Ensuring safety and comfort by helping with repositioning and moving the person in need
Offering grief support for adults and children
Helping with various tasks around the house
75$ +tx / hour for individual consultation
Packages available for multiple visits
Possibility of receipt for private insurance

End of life plan
Discussing your values, beliefs and wishes in order to write them down in a comprehensive end-of-life plan. Several benefits will result from good planning including;
The opportunity for meaningful conversations with your loved ones.
Making the workload easier for your loved ones following your departure.
Enforcing your wishes if you are no longer able to communicate
Working on personal reflections that may lead to more serenity
75$ +tx / hour for individual consultation

Workshops & Conferences
Would you like to offer a workshop or conference to your clients or employees?
Contact me for more information
Examples of topics that can be covered:
Death: Let's talk about it
How to talk about death with a child
Caregivers: Taking care of yourself to take better care of others
Contact me for pricing